Brand Salience for a Food or Drink start-up

10 September 2019
Design, Storytelling and Manufacturing Expertise

Salience on Shelf

Your new food or drinks product tastes amazing, you’re excited and all set to go but bringing any new product to market is a complex challenge. It requires spinning more plates than you thought was possible; from branding and packaging to compliance, financing, distribution and sales. With many of the larger retailers typically carrying 50,000 unique products, generating “salience on shelf and online” to ensure you are noticed amongst the competition is non-negotiable.

Taste is only half the battle, a stand-out brand, consistently represented that truly reflects the product, shouts quality and engages with your audience is crucial to your on-going success. 

Read our blog on Brand Consistency.

The success rate for new product launches in the food and beverage sector is around 10% (NielsenWire). The other 90% of products will fail as they are unable to differentiate themselves.

Know Your Market

Consumers ranked brand trust as one of the top factors they consider when making a purchase (Adage). Your brand must represent the audience you’re selling to. Knowing them will help tailor your product offering, build a long-term relationship and develop brand advocacy.

As well as the consumers, a clear line of sight of your competition and their brand positioning is crucial in helping develop your USP and make the retailers sit up and take note. To do this effectively, category and consumer insight, market trends and industry immersion will help you develop the types of ideas that will ensure your brand cuts through.

Design, Storytelling and Manufacturing Expertise

Creative flair, semiotic expertise, structural and manufacturing empathy, behavioural economics and storytelling are all crucial factors when creating a brand personality and killer design. Creative expertise beyond the design team and into production, reprographics, colour, material, sustainability and print is just as important to ensure speed to market and proper representation on shelf. Having a single design to print project office, coordinating the complete process will ensure your vision isn’t compromised. A fully integrated creative and execution offering with the right asset management and approvals technology will ensure speed to market, shelf recognition, value for money and ultimately improve your chances of commercial success. Collaboration between the agency and you are also vital, the most effective designs are often those where the client is involved in the decision making throughout the process, with the end consumer always front of mind.

“Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business” Steve Forbes

To see how Brand has helped early-stage food and drinks brands with their packaging design and development or to discuss a specific project, please contact us at

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